⚠️ Beware of fraud recruitment
Please be vigilant: Beware of fraudulent recruitment attempts. We do not appoint any agents or third parties to act on our behalf, nor do we collect fees for recruitment. We take your security seriously and advise all applicants to contact us directly before responding to any job announcements that appear to be from our company, to verify their authenticity and protect against scams.

Ethical Recruitment Policy
Purpose: To ensure ethical standards are upheld in the recruitment process, our commits to fair, transparent, and non-discriminatory practices, safeguarding the dignity and rights of all candidates.
Scope: This policy applies to all our employees, management, and recruitment agents or contractors involved in the hiring process.
Policy Principles:
- No Recruitment Fees: We strictly prohibits the collection of fees or costs from job candidates at any stage of the recruitment process. This applies to all entities and individuals acting on behalf of us, ensuring that employment opportunities are based solely on merit without financial barriers.
- Age Restrictions: Employment of individuals under the age of 18 is strictly prohibited, aligning with our commitment to prevent child labor and support education and development for minors. Verification of age through reliable documentation is mandatory for all prospective employees.
- Non-Discrimination: We are dedicated to creating a diverse and inclusive work environment. Discrimination against candidates on the basis of gender, color, religion, sexual orientation, nationality, disability, or any other characteristic protected by law is strictly forbidden. All recruitment decisions are based on qualifications, skills, experience, and the ability to perform the job.
- Compliance: All staff and recruitment partners must comply with this policy, incorporating its principles into their recruitment practices.
- Training: Regular training will be provided to ensure all parties involved in recruitment are aware of and understand this policy.
- Monitoring and Reporting: Any suspected breaches of this policy should be reported to the Human Resources Department. A mechanism for anonymous reporting will be available to protect the confidentiality of complainants.
- Enforcement: Violations of this policy will be taken seriously and may result in disciplinary action, including termination of employment or contractual relationships.
- Review: This policy will be reviewed annually to ensure it remains compliant with legal requirements and reflects best practices in ethical recruitment.
Commitment: We are committed to ethical recruitment practices that promote equality, respect human rights, and offer equal employment opportunities to all candidates, contributing to a fair and just workplace.